COMPSCI4062 Cyber Security Fundamentals
Undergrad/Postgrad Course, Thompson Building, University of Glasgow, 2022
Goals of the Course and ILOs:
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the opportunity to develop a security mind-set by introducing students to introductory core material in the area of computer security.
By the end of this course students should be able to:
- Explain cyber security fundamentals concepts including Ethical hacking, Digital Forensics and Penetration testing;
- Explain a number of different security protocols;
- Evaluate an existing or proposed system in terms of potential vulnerabilities and recommend the most appropriate security solution to apply in a number of different scenarios;
- Summarise the key vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks with regards to network security and explain approaches to mitigate these issues;
- Implement an aspect of cyber security;
- Critically appraise a topic within the field of computer security.
Sections that will be covered:
Cyber Security Basic background, Look into networking, Cyber Attacks and defence, Web applications’ vulnerabilities, Trending in Cyber, Penetration testing & Digital Forensics.